Sunday, April 04, 2010

Little Memories

Each day I am so very thankful for my fiance and love of my life, Ryan.  Now that April is here, my mind has been traveling back to memories from a year ago when our relationship began:

•  Ryan's first attempt at asking me out on a date failed because of one of my food quirks.  He was searching for a toilet of all things at Menard's in Waterloo and called to see if I wanted to get coffee.  Not even thinking, I said no since I don't like hot liquids.  About an hour or so later I realized what I had done and redeemed myself by suggesting a trip to get a drink some time.  Thank goodness he was still interested!
•  In my first undertaking to get into his truck in the College Square parking lot, I frantically looked around trying to figure out how I was going to get up onto the seat.  Not coming up with any genious ideas, I literally put my hands on the far edge of the seat and dragged myself in hoping he hadn't noticed my clumsiness.  I found out later he had just decided not to comment on my struggle.
•  Having ice cream at Coldstone and sitting next to some giggling ladies who toasted each other with their ice cream cups:  "Here's to a good day girls!"
•  My T and Th class schedule:  Conditioning Theory, SEC computer lab - checking to see if I had an e-mail from Ryan and using my free time to reply, China, checking e-mail again on the way to Capstone, racing home while putting together all my clever remarks in my head to compose another e-mail

It's also been quite exciting thinking about how much more we will soon share together once we are married.  My collection of little memories grows larger every day but that will be nothing compared to when I get to spend each and every day with my then husband.  I can't wait! :) 

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